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Customer Review: why why why the radiohead comparisons?
Seriously, stop already with the Radiohead comparisons. This sounds nothing like Radiohead, not Pablo Honey, not The Bends, not ANYTHING EVER by Radiohead. Just because Coldplay's singer tries to sing in a high register like Thom Yorke sings, doesn't necessarily mean the two bands sound alike. Coldplay, for instance, sucks big ones. Radiohead is sort of a brilliant band. There's one difference right there, just for starters. But whatever, you're not a loser or anything if you like this garbage. Lots of people like garbage even worse than this! So there, feel good knowing that you're not utterly, totally, hopelessly devoid of taste (maybe).
Customer Review: We Live in a Beautiful World
This is beautiful music. I distinctly recall direct comparisons to Radiohead at the time of this release, and I must say, I can draw virtually no comparisons between the two artists. Radiohead stinks. Radiohead is useless noise. Coldplay really delivers some beautiful, oftentimes powerful melodies throughout this disc. Sentimental moments abound here. Minimalism WORKS when it is executed correctly, and "Parachutes" is a testament to that. This album is extremely relaxing and even gives me the chills at times. Songs like "Don't Panic", "Shiver", "Sparks", and "Trouble" are tremendous achievements. Solid album through and through from a terrific band.
Rumba has two origins: Spanish as well as African. Rumba was first danced by African slaves as early as the 16th century. The Rumba folk dance had sexual connotations with the male having a sexually agressive attitude and the female having a deffensive attitude. It gaining popularity in Latin America in the 1920s.
Like Salsa, Rumba music is played in 4/4 but the music is much slower at just over 100 bpm. Traditionally, Rumba is danced on the second beat with a pause on the first beat although American style Rumba is danced on the first beat. The forth beat is usually accentuated.
Rumba is primarily a sex pantomime. The hip movements are quite exaggerated, especially for the men. The men have a sexually agressive attitude in the dance and the women have a sexually deffensive attitude. The women usually dance with a hankerchief in their hands which is waved in front of the body enticing the men, but when the men react the women quickly "cover up". Traditionally, the men "attack" with their hips by getting very close to the women, but some variations allow men to "attack" with other parts and from a distance!
Latinos NZ Popularity Scale: 3/10
Rumba is not a very popular dance in New Zealand's Latin clubs, primarily because Kiwis are fairly reserved on the dance floor. But, as more and more dancers learn the dance it is definitely becoming more popular!
Rumba is the dance of love and sex. So, don't be scared to have some fun!
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80's dance music
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