Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Musicians First Aid Kit

Gigging is probably one of the most enjoyable activities a musician can experience. There is always something special about performing in front of a live audience. The sound of a crowds appreciation when you have just ripped up the stage with a great performance of your best tunes. There is just nothing like it. But what happens when things dont go exactly as planed? And what happens when things fail miserably? If you have ever gigged I am sure you are familiar with Murphy law: If things can go wrong, they probably will. I have had experiences like: amps blowing up, guitar strings breaking, stolen fuses in my amp, bad cords, out of tune guitars, ect... These things happen to all bands and what makes the difference between a professional and an amateur is how you deal with these problems. You need to do some preplanning and put together a a Musicians First Aid Kit. When a problem does occur, you will be prepared to quickly fix the problem and get on with your show.

Guitar/Bass Strings

Get at least one extra set for each guitar or bass you have at the gig. If you pop a string you will be prepared to replace it. Remember this golden rule for guitars and basses: Never step on stage without a properly tuned backup guitar or bass. If you have any problems with your main ax all you have to do is pick up your backup and fix the problem on your next break.


Get a complete second set of cords. This includes patch cords and mike cables.


Go through all of your gear and make a note of all of the batteries you use. Get backups for everything and make sure the backups dont sit and go dead before you replace them. Consider some type of preventative maintenance schedule so you can keep track how long batteries are in use and when they need replacement. Dont forget about the guitar tuner!


Again go through all of your gear and make a note of all the proper sizes of your fuses. Get some type of small segregated box and label the top with the current ratings for the fuses (1A, 5A ect...). Never put a fuse that has a higher current rating in your amp or gear. There is a reason the manufacture put that size fuse in your system. Never, Never wrap a fuse with tin foil to bypass it! If your fuses keeps blowing, you have a short in this gear and by putting a larger fuse or bypassing it all together you may completely blow it up which will will cost you plenty to repair. Also I should mention that by bypassing your fuse you run the risk of electrocuting yourself! Never under any circumstanceses bypass your fuses!


Get a spare snare drum. If your snares let go just replace the whole drum with the spare and repair your main snare at break. Bring many extra sticks. I played with a drummer once that didnt bring enough sticks to a gig one night. He had to play the last half of our set with a screwdriver! Needless to say he had to replace all of his drum heads after this gig! Bring some spare hardware and also get another kick drum pedal. Some spare drum heads are always a good idea and make sure to bring a set of tools.

Keyboard Players

What would happen if your main synth went out? Maybe you could program your second synth with similar sounds. I know it wont be perfect but it will get you through the gig.


Do you have a spare mic? If not you should pick one up. I recommend a Sure 58. They are not very expensive and are reliable for a great backup if not a main mic.

Horn Players

Since I dont play horns I cant comment too much however I can recommend that you think about what could go wrong with your instrument. What could you do if it failed during a gig? Again a backup might be a good idea.


If you use an amp in your performance and it fails what could you do? A small spare is a good idea. Guitar players can use a guitar processor as a backup amp and it can be plugged directly into the PA. Again I know this wont sound perfect but it will get you through the gig. Bass players have it easy if their amps go out. Plug directly into the PA. If you play bass you may want to consider buying a direct box specifically for that purpose. Same goes for keyboard players, plug directly into the PA with a DI box

All Bands

Always have plenty of duct tape! This stuff can get you out of some major jams!

I have not covered everything that can go wrong with your gear at a show but hopefully this will spark some ideas of the things that you can do if your gear fails. Put together your Musicians First Aid Kit in some sort of tool box or fishing tackle box. If you are prepared when things go wrong at your gigs (and believe me they will) it is no big deal. If you are not prepared you will look like an amateur and remember you never know who is out in the audience watching. Good luck and happy gigging!

Steve Veloudos is the owner of

Steve is devoted to helping musicians and bands further their careers in the music industry. Stop by his web site and subscribe to the free Musicians Tip Sheet. The Tip Sheet includes industry contacts, and many other items designed to advance a musicians musical career. Subscribe to the newsletter by going to:

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

What You Should Know About Free Movie Downloads

With all of the entertainment download sites out there that offer FREE movies, music, games etc., those tempting offers of free downloading and sharing have you wondering which site is the best, but first and foremost one should use caution in choosing, since many of these Peer to Peer sites are free but also illegal and dangerous to the health of your computer.

Wondering Why? I'll explain below. So please read on!

Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks are basically computers on the same network with certain software sharing files for free. The problem with this, although tempting concept, is that you may also be sharing Malware, Viruses, Spyware that can damage your computer, not to mention you can get into some big trouble downloading copyrighted material.

If you do frequent p2p sites for downloading your movies and music and whatever else, anti-virus software should help in holding off any worms or viruses but with no guarantee. You would still be risking your computer to infection and or damage. You would also be adding to some real disturbance in the entertainment business with big fines and big court costs for illegal distribution of copyrighted material, sometimes known as Bootlegging.

There are alternatives that are safe and legal.... membership sites offer this alternative, no worries for just a low one time fee. A good membership site also will not charge you a pay per download fee or even monthly fee just a one time fee with unlimited downloads. Yet there are many to choose from also. Just please do your research and learn as much as you can about the website you are considering and the software they are using for file sharing, this is crucial. We have done some research for you and reviewed a number of sites that are a few of the best out there, but most of all, Legal and worries.

In your quest finding something that is right for you there are some other considerations that come to mind. Download speed, even from the best site is mostly dependent on your internet connection, Dialup vs. DSL vs. Highspeed Cable and on it goes. But with a good download accelerator software program most connections should work fine. Another tip would be your hard drive space, meaning the room needed to store all your favorite movies, music, and whatever else. That can be cured by burning copies onto the media of your choice CD, DVD, External HD and deleting the original off the drive or install a hard drive with more space.

If your still reading, I just want to say thanks for your time and sticking with me this far and hopefully this article was of some help to you.

Sincerely J. D.

J. D. is an avid movie fan and collects movies of all genre's. He is also a successful business manager and author of Movie Download Website Review. To read his Reviews on the best membership movie sites and more, please visit:

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Beijing Opera - History and Characters

The Beijing Opera, with its distinctive Chinese opera masks, is one of China's most recognizable cultural icons. Combining Music, Dance, Theatre, and Martial Arts, it has existed for over 200 years portraying Historical Events and Literature with beauty, style, and dynamic performance. It is most prominent in Beijing, but almost every Province in China has some form of Opera theatre. With its elaborate costuming, complex musical orchestrations and seemingly limitless Make-up and Mask designs, the Beijing Opera is seeing revitalization in popularity with both young and mature audiences.

What is now called the Beijing Opera originally came from a combination of several sources. In about 1790, four great theatre troupes from Anhui came to perform for the Royal Family. They brought arias and melodies called Xi Pi. Around 1828, performers from Hubei came to the same area and staged combined shows adding their local pieces of music called Er Huang. These performances were for the Royals but soon were to become more mainstream during Emperor Qianlong's reign as well as support from the notorious Empress Dowager Ci Xi. During this time, thousands of pieces of repertoire were developed covering the historical events, classic novels and stories of China as well as revisions of Western stories.

There are four basic categories of characters in the Beijing Opera style.

SHENG- The main Male actors in a performance. Either civil or military, there are several different aspects of training for the various lead male parts.

i. LAO SHENG- Senior Male roles, middle aged man with beard of black, grey or white. A soft or pleasant voice with dignity.

ii. XIAO SHENG- Junior male role or young man. No beard and a high sometimes shrill voice that may, on occasion, crack denoting immaturity and adolescence.

iii. WU SHENG- Acrobatic male roles or roles that require much activity. Military plays or civil plays that demand high standards of acrobatics. Performs the stylized martial arts fight scenes with sword or spear. Not usually trained as opera singer.

iv. WAWA SHENG- Kids and children roles. DAN- Female roles of several categories.

i. QING YI ( Ch'ing I)- Lady of good character. Quiet gentle disposition. Graceful flowing movements in "water sleeves" costume. Elegant but not vivid. Singing voice is high pitched.

ii. HUA DAN ( Hua Tan)- Flirtatious young girl role. Usually not as high a social standing as Qing

Yi. Coy and quick movements. A very difficult part to play. Attractive eye movements and continually changing facial expression. Vivid costume featuring handkerchief to flutter in her hand. Strong voice but more speaking than singing.

iii. GUI MEN DAN (Kuei Men Tan) - Young unmarried girl. This role may turn into Qing Yi or Hua Dan. Mischievous but not as much as Hua Dan. Immature reactions and movements.

iv. DAO MA DAN (Tao Ma Tan) - Female Warrior role. Trained for acting and singing but
performs highly skillful martial movements often with feathered headdress. Still a very feminine role. The now famous role of Disney's "MULAN" was based on Hua Mulan who disguised herself as a man to prevent her father from being conscripted into the military. She served for 12 years during the SouthNorth Dynasty and was decorated as a national hero.

v. WU DAN (Wu Tan) - Female Acrobatic roles. Steps in on any role that requires high acrobatic ability. Purely an acrobat but role can demand a talented actress to make for a successful performance.

vi. CAI DAN (Cai Tan) - Female Comedians. Serves to add relief to stressful scenes in serious plays. See also CHOU roles.

JING- Painted face male roles. These parts are known more for courage and resourcefulness than for scholarly intelligence. Often a high-ranking general or warrior/official. Jing actors are usually extroverts. A robust, sometimes gruff, bass voice. Full of swagger and self-assurance. There are many common color schemes associated with Jing roles but some of the more common are easily recognizable.

v Red- Good character and virtuous person.

v White- Treacherous and guile

v Green-Lack of self-control, rash, stubbornness

v Black- Brusque character

v Blue- Wild perhaps a Robber

v Gold/Silver- Used only for Gods and Spirits

The facial painting patterns also give information about a character. There are hundreds of patterns and designs for many situations and roles.

There are 3 main types of Jing roles:

i. DONG-CHUI- (T'ung Ch'uei) Also know as Hei Tou (Black Face) this role is a good singer and usually a loyal General

ii. JIA ZI- (Chia Tze) - A very good actor for more complicated characters.

iii. WU JING- Fighting and acrobatics. Seldom plays a prominent role.

CHOU- Comedy Roles. Dim but likable and amusing characters. Sometimes slightly wicked perhaps a rascal or a scholar/Prince who would not command much respect. There are two basic types of Chou roles:

i. WEN CHOU- Civilian roles.( Jailer, servant, merchant, scholar)

ii. WU CHOU- Minor Military roles but skilled in acrobatics

Of special mention should be the popular role of SUN WU KONG -The Monkey King.

This is a famous story of a Monks journey from China to India to collect scriptures to bring back to China... He is usually accompanied by a Pig for comedic effect, a not-so-learned monk to mediate the many quarrels and the Monkey King. This is played by a Wu Sheng actor. Known for the bent knees and an arms forward stance that imitate monkey movements. He has mastered Longevity, the 72 transformations of his physical body and can do somersaults in the clouds. Sun Wu Kong is followed by a troupe of monkeys who behave in the same manner but have individual personalities (greedy, naughty, sleepy, etc.). The Monkey King continues to be one of the most popular story lines in all of Chinese Opera Theatre.

The Opera Theatre form suffered during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) when all traditional pieces were banned. New versions became stories concerning "Class Struggle". The "Eight Model Plays" were a very popular theme, as were stories concerning Communist Activities, Anti-Japan sentiment, and the Civil War against Nationalists. The traditional stories were allowed to be shown in 1978 but by then they seemed out of date and the productions lacked historical and theatrical knowledge. Audiences lost to more contemporary forms of entertainment were hard to replace with the exception of those who were children when the Beijing Opera was at its peak. Many who lived through the Cultural Revolution preferred the newer versions and still favor those melodies.

Campaigns exist to bring back this lost art from as well as other Theatrical Arts. The Plum Blossom Award, sponsored by the Chinese Opera Journal, gives awards, judged by the Journal, to new artists. The actors and actresses must be under 45 years of age and come from all over China. These and other competitions are seen on the CCTV, China's main television network and radio stations, particularly during the New Years special concerts. There has even been designated a Beijing Opera Month.

In recent years, performances worldwide of Beijing Opera theatre have brought this marvelous art form to broader audiences. It has served as ambassador to the West providing many new opportunities for people to enjoy a performance style that rivals any of the Grand Operas and Symphonies of Europe and North America.

Timothy Jordan was born in Detroit, Michigan where he began a career in music at a very early age. Having studied with the regions top teachers and performers he set off on his own "MUSO SHUGYO" or musical wanderings and ended up in Boston, Mass. While there he has performed in some of the top music groups, touring, and recording for live, television, theatre and movies. His percussion skills took him to Japan where he had an intensive study with the drummers of KODO. Mr. Jordan also has studied several martial arts styles including Iaido, the Japanese Sword. He continues today to further his cultural studies and is currently the owner of an Asian art and cultural goods Internet retail business, LIVE COMPLETE and ZENSHO

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Finally! Inexpensive Tech Toys That Encourage Education And Exercise!

Theres no doubt that tech is projected to be big for the 2007 Christmas gift season. Anything that can be plugged in or turned on is cool in the eyes of children. And children are becoming tech-savy at a much younger age. If you haven't taken a look at kids' toys lately, you may well be suprised. Even baby toys mimic adult technology. Toddler toy laptops, cell phones and digital cameras all popular toys today.

But not all parents embrace that trend, thinking that expensive technical toys for small children encourages computer-addicted couch potatoes. Many parents long for the classic toys of their own youth - the simple bicycle, Mr. Potato Head, or a simple wooden train. The problem is, most kids are exposed to the high tech toys somewhere - in school, visiting the homes of others, or in the media - so the old stand-bys don't seem as exciting today, and in the eyes of our children, are quite dated.

And, with childhood obesity on the rise, parents have a hard time embracing toys that encourage children to veg in the front of a computer or TV screen. We welcome inexpensive toys that combine technology (because it's not going away) with classic learning and exercise. Some toymakers have answered our call. Here are five inexpensive, fun and popular toys that combine tech with exercise and learning.

1. Fisher-Price Smart Cycle: The Fisher-Price Smart Cycle combines exercise, education, and video game-type fun all into one toy. This toy is a bike that attaches to your TV. Your child has to petal the bike in order to play the game and steers handlebars that actually move. In essence, children are getting exercise and learning coordination while in video game nirvana. The games included are educational and allow your child to pursue alphabet letters, take a trip to math mountain, and explore shape lake. Fischer Price also offers software with favorite TV characters (like Sponge Bob, Barbie and Dora) so your child doesnt get bored. Priced at about $90, its the most expensive toy on this list, but still pretty cheap by tech standards.

2. LeapFrog 100 Hoops Basketball Counting Game: This is the only childs basketball game that teaches number recognition and counting (all the way to 100 in both English and Spanish). It features built-in rally and cheering sounds to encourage your child to exercise while he learns regular and skip counting (by 5s and 10s) to 100. The game is completely portable and can he attached to a chair, wall, or door knob or can be taken outside and hung on a tree. Priced under $25.

3. Leap Frog Leap Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum: Its no wonder this toy was winner of the 2006 iParenting Media Greatest Products Award. Priced at under $15, this toy not only encourages physical activity, rhythm and fine motor development, it also teaches language and music. It has two programs. Children can either simply make music with it, or it can be programmed to display or speak letters of the alphabet to encourage early letter recognition.

4. Discovery Exclusive Ready Set Learn! Jump & Dance Music Mat: This item is among the Discovery Stores best sellers. This toy allows your child to exercise by dancing and hoping, while it also encourages problem solving, creative play skills, and fine motor skills. Kids can chose to either dance to their own routines while the music follows their moves or they can repeat pre-programmed routines which light up with every move. This item is under $30.

5. Leap Frog Learn & Groove Counting Maracas: Similar to the above mentioned Alphabet Drum, the counting maracas operate on the same principal of children making music and exercising while learning. The maracas teach counting from 1-10 in English and Spanish and introduce colors as well. This gem of a toy is under $15.

S. Dean is a mother of two, researcher and freelance writer. Her "Best Kids Christmas Gifts" Website is located at

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Music For Your Wedding - How To Choose What's Best For You

Music is an important part of the
celebration of your marriage. Throughout history, music has been used for
weddings to bring the community together with sounds and rhythms that have the
power to surpass age and status buriers, uniting everyone in support of your

When choosing music for your wedding (in addition to your personal preferences)
its important to consider the musical tastes and desires of your guests. A good
point to consider is that your wedding (reception and/or ceremony) is an
opportunity for you to give back to your guests for their participation and
support, so choose a musical selection that will appeal the most to your guests.

Music is also a great stress reliever or ice breaker because it helps people
to relax and transition from what is often a very formal situation to an
environment where people can express themselves more fully.

There are 2 general types of music available for a modern wedding, they are:

1) A DJ

2) Live Musicians

A DJ (which stands for Disk Jockey) is a person who plays CDs through a sound
system at your reception and provides stage lighting for additional effect. The
advantage to hiring a DJ is that they are typically less expensive than live
musicians, and you can have all the songs that you want played for your

The disadvantages to hiring a DJ are that the music can sometimes seem a bit
generic or un-lively, and may be inappropriate for your ceremony. Some people
may also feel that DJ music is cheesy or uninteresting due to the lack of
musical flexibility and depending on the DJs individual approach - you may or
may not want to have them emcee for the reception.

Hiring live musicians is the other option you have for your wedding music. This
is typically more expensive and may involve a bit more planning than a DJ, but
can be a very uplifting resource for you and your wedding guests.

How do you envision your wedding reception? Do you want to dance with your
guests or are you intend to have a more subdued event? If you dont want
dancing, you may choose classical or jazz musicians to entertain - This could
include a string quartet, a harpist, pianist or any other type of soloist.
(Soloists are often the first choice for wedding ceremonies as well).

If you DO intend for there to be dancing as a part of your wedding celebration
theres nothing better for this than a live dance band! The advantage to hiring
a live band for your reception is that there is a certain synergy that occurs
when live musicians perform together that cannot be achieved with a DJ, and live
musicians can are also able to adapt to the vibe of the room playing faster,
slower, louder or softer depending on the preferences of you and your guests.

Skilled wedding musicians can also allow for members of the wedding party to participate by singing along or joining in with the band. This can add a great
deal of value to your wedding reception by creating the great Kodak Moments
that everyone will remember for years and years to come.

Take your time and consider the options carefully. Use the internet to research
your options and look in local wedding trade journals for musician and DJ
listings before you hire. Make a list of questions and concerns that you may
have and ask them of your perspective entertainers.

Your wedding day is YOUR DAY make it great with music that compliments
the theme and emotion that you want reflected at your wedding.

Donovan Kovar is the president and booking manager for - Providing Professional, High Quality Musical Entertainment For Weddings In Minnesota And Surrounding Areas. Visit for more information.

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Jewelry Is Not Just A Fashion Trend-It's An Art

Jewelry is more than just an accessory; its a way to show off your own unique style and personality. In fact, it can very much be considered an art just as much as fashion can. It is really the frosting on the cake when it comes to fashion, after all. Not only to the people who wear it, but to the designer, this is a vision brought to life to express who they are. This is why it is really the more rare artisans who make their own jewelry who should be at the forefront of the fashion world.

As consumers it is our job to make sure that these artisans who are really creating art with their jewelry are able to continue bringing to life these unique creations. Hugo Puerto, a resident of Orlando, Fl, saw this and put his entrepreneurial expertise to the test creating his own company that would market Latin-American artisans work throughout the world.

His company, Innovations Arts, brings these exclusive pieces of Latin-American art to the global community. Allowing this jewelry to be seen world-wide through the use of the internet, helps not only customers to find the unique product they are looking for, but also helps these artisans be able to continue creating their art by giving them a huge new market. The jewelry sold at can only be found on that website and is not available in stores. These limited collections allow for the customers to know that what they are wearing is unique. Jewelry no longer has to be something to run with the pack, you can now stand out and express yourself while knowing that in purchasing these pieces you are allowing someone else to continue creating the art they love. With a system like this everybody can win.

Cathleen Plazas is a 21 year old college senior studyingPsychology and International Theater. She is also the press director forInnovations Arts and has been working with Hugo Puerto since the company'sfounding. An Orlando native born to Colombian parents, with a keen eye forfashion and a heart for helping others she is very excited to be part ofsuch a great company.

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Old and Popular All Saints High School - Schools in Hyderabad

What you see - One of the oldest schools of Hyderabad and now a landmark at Gunfoundry, All Saints' High School marked the entry of missionary education in the land of the Nizams. The corridors of All Saints' have produced some of the best in various fields - whether it is Azharuddin in cricket or Sitaram Yechury in politics.

The building that you see at this school overlooks the city from a small hillock. It was constructed in 1942 and still retains its splendor. The sprawling cricket ground leaves you awestruck.

All Saints' has been among the most prestigious and sought after educational institutes in the twin cities. It was started in 1855 by Rt. Rev. Daniel Murphy, the Vicar of Apostolic of Hyderabad, in the name of the College of All Hallows. In 1858, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Caprotti became its first Rector. It earlier catered to the educational needs of the English and the Anglo-Indians. Now, however, it has students from different backgrounds.

The management of the school was taken over by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel in 1932. The school was an all boys' institution till 1998.

What you get - The co-educational school has strength of more than 3,000 students and over a hundred faculty members. The school follows the Andhra Pradesh state syllabus. Each class has a maximum of 60 students.

Examinations are conducted regularly. This includes four unit tests and three terminal examinations including the annual examination. Performance is gauged on annual examinations (50%) and the rest of the year results too. The internal exams (barring the board examination) are set by the Association of Catholic Schools.

The school has facilities for outdoor games like football, cricket, volley ball, badminton, basketball and athletic sports, apart from indoor games like table tennis, badminton, chess and carroms. Debate, essay writing, quiz and more are also encouraged. Same is the case with cultural activities like singing, music, dance and dramatics. There is also a cricket academy running there after school hours. It is open to children till the age of 16. The academy has produced many cricketers at the state and national level.

All Saints' has the distinction of winning the Montfort Literary, Cultural and Athletic inter-district overall championship for several years. It has dominated school cricket competitions since its inception.

Our verdict - Class strength is slightly high when compared to the new schools coming up in the city. Nonetheless, it focuses on all round development of a child. Annual tuition fee here is around Rs. 9,000 a year. Getting admission is tough because of the huge numbers applying. The school has a common admission form with its other institutions - St. Paul's and Little Flower. So you can apply for three institutions at one go.

Old and popular All Saints has been written by Pranay who writes for MetroMela

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Friday, August 29, 2008

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Lollapalooza 2008 - the World's Most Eclectic Music Festival Returns to Chicago

The Windy City of Chicago will once again host Lollapalooza, a three-day music festival that will take place August 1 to 3 in Grant Park. This year's lineup will feature 130 musical acts on nine different stages, including:


Rage Against the Machine

Nine Inch Nails

Kanye West


The Raconteurs

Love and Rockets

Gnarls Barkley

Bloc Party

The Black Keys

Lupe Fiasco

The National

G. Love & Special Sauce

Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings

Broken Social Scene

Flogging Molly

Mark Ronson

Cat Power

Explosions in the Sky

Brand New

Gogol Bordello

Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks

Dierks Bentley

Okkervil River

Amadou & Mariam

Blues Traveler

John Butler Trio

Passes for the three-day festival range in price from $175 to $205 and are available on a first-come, first serve basis at

The festival isn't just for adult music lovers--there's plenty of all-ages fun to be had at Kidzapalooza, which features a variety of activities to keep kids and teenagers entertained. In addition to family-friendly music acts, expect to find music workshops, a petting zoo, a dance floor, video game tournaments, and much more.

Lollapalooza is a general admission event, so get there early and claim your spot in the park. But if you'd prefer to be treated like a V.I.P., you have two options: first is to join the Lolla Lounge. As a member, you'll receive drinks, buffet lunches and dinners, soothing mini-spa treatments, air-conditioned restrooms and comfortable lounge seating. Best of all, each lounge has an elevated platform for an unobstructed view of the stage. Three-day LollaLounge passes sell for $850 each.

You may also purchase your own private Lollapolooza cabana--it's the ultimate way to experience the show! You'll have your own exclusive platform, with personal servers and climate-controlled comfort stations. For more information, visit the Lollapalooza site.

Lollapalooza Detours

While you're in town for the festival, why not enjoy the rest of what Grant Park and downtown Chicago has to offer? Add these destinations to your must-do list:


Magnificent Mile

The Magnificent Mile, a long stretch of Michigan Avenue, is known by several names--Mag Mile and Miracle Mile among them. Famous for its shopping and its picturesque, wide sidewalks, Michigan Avenue is a shopper's paradise. This is where you'll find all of the major department stores (Nordstrom's, Neiman Marcus, Saks) designer boutiques (Chanel, Louis Vuitton) and dozens of specialty stores. If you get the chance, look to stay in a Magnificent Mile hotel (Michigan Ave. Chicago Hotel)

Wicker Park/Bucktown

If you're looking for fashion's next big thing, head on over to this edgy neighborhood located where Milwaukee, Damen and North Avenues intersect for the latest creations by up-and-coming designers and smaller labels that are sure to help you stand out in a crowd. Not to be missed: Phoebe 45 for women's clothing and Apartment Number 9 for Men.


Navy Pier

600 E Grand Ave

Chicago, IL 60611

(312) 595-7437

A fifty-acre park complex on a boardwalk extending into Lake Michigan, Navy Pier offers a wide variety of entertainment and dining options, including boat cruises fireworks every Wednesday night from Memorial Day through Labor Day. If you have the time, be sure ride the 150-foot tall Ferris Wheel and enjoy breathtaking views of the lake and city skyline.

Grant Park

Downtown Chicago, between Michigan Avenue and Lake Michigan

Beyond the Lollapalooza staging area lies a lovely stretch of waterfront paths and cultural attractions, including the Shedd Aquarium, The Museum of Science and Industry, and The Art Institute of Chicago. Don't miss the breathtaking Buckingham Fountain and Cloud Gate, a large, reflective sculpture that is also known as "The Bean".


David Burke's Primehouse

616 North Rush at Ontario

Phone: 312.660.6000

Chicago is a city known for its steakhouses, and Primehouse is arguably one of the best. Conveniently located in a N. Rush St. downtown Chicago luxury hotel, the menu features a mouth-watering selection of meats that are dry-aged right on the premises. Save room for dessert--the Kickin Doughnuts and the Chocolate Cake and Fudge with Graham Chip Ice Cream are not to be missed!

Garrett's Popcorn

670 N Michigan Ave and four other Chicago locations
These local institutions tend to have long lines out front--and when you get inside and taste their irresistible popcorn, you'll know why! Founded in 1949, Garrett's is known for their Caramel Crisp and Cheese Corn varieties. Can't decide? Get the Downtown Mix and enjoy the best of everything.

Norma Berry has an interest in the downtown Chicago luxury boutique hotel industry. Her passion extends along the Magnificent Mile hotel and Michigan Ave. Chicago Hotel district.

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December 17 -- The music from one of the most popular American films of all time ... West Side Story married popular jazz and Latin rhythms with a classical score. ...

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Unique Baby Names for Girls

When you are trying to pick the right baby name it can be very time consuming looking through baby names' lists and weeding through all the names. You want a unique name for your baby girl but you don't want it to be bizarre or outrageous. For some couples the right name comes to them easily. Yet for others, especially those looking for a more original name, it can be overwhelming, after all there are thousands of names to choose from. Here is a list of some unique names for baby girls and their meanings. These names are creative but still pretty.

Unique Girls Names:

Audrey (English) means noble or strong. Famous people with this name include Audrey Hepburn or Audrey Wells. Other variations of the name Audrey include Audra, Audelia, Audene, Audessa., Audrielle and Audrina.<

Babette (French) means stranger or lovely. A variation of this name is Barbette. Nicknames that go with Babette include Babe, Baby, or Ettie.

Chloe (Greek) means blooming. Chloe Webb and Chloe Sevigny are two actresses with this name. Some other variations include Cloe, Kloe, Cloey, or Clorinda.

Flora (Latin) means flower. Saint Flora was martyred in 851.

Jacelyn (English) Other names include Jaceyln include Jocelyn, Joselyn, Jacinda or Jacey.

Leyna (German) means little angel. Other possible names include Lena, Leana, Leena, or Leila

Natalie (Latin) means birthday or child born on Christmas. Famous people with the name Natalie include Natelie Wood and Natelie Cole. Other spellings and variations of the name Natalie include Nataleigh, Natalina, Natalia and Natalya.

Ophelia (Greek) means useful or wise. Other variations of the name include Ofelia, Ophelya, or Felia.

Rhiannon (Welsh) means a mythical nymph. Rhianon was a popular Stevie Nicks' song. Other variations include Reannon, Rheanna, Rianne, Rianna, or Rhyan.

Sadie (Hebrew) means princess. Other variations of the name Sadie include Sadee, Saida, Sadiegh, or Sade.

Virginia (Latin) means chaste or maiden. Famous for the state named Virginia. Famous people with this name include Virginia Wolf and Virginia Dare. Nicknames and variations include Virginnia, Ginny, Ginger, or Ginni.

These are just a few unique baby names for girls. Picking a creative name for your baby may take some time. You may end up going back to some of the names that were popular generations ago but are not so popular now. Take some time to jot down your favorite names and hopefully before your baby arrives you will find just the right one for her.

Patty Hone is a mom of four children and the co-founder of For more unique baby name ideas visit Justmommies Baby Names database at

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House Music DJ Magazines

Here is a review of the best house music dj magazines on the planet. Over the past decade a lot of magazines in the electronic music dj arena have gone down, and only the strongest have survived. Recently there has been a major increase in people who are interested in electronic music and the following magazines are blooming with advertising dollars pouring in!

  1. MixMag - has been noted as the best selling dance magazine in the world. Unfortunately they don't have an online version of this magazine but their inclusion of cd's with each release makes it a pretty good subscription to have. For instance, they had an amazing new compilation from Paul Oakenfold in a past issue! The annual subscription runs for 36.00 in the UK and 60.00 in US/Canada so it's a little pricey, but again the inclusion of a cd with each magazine. Get a subscription at
  2. DJMag - another UK magazine which is once again getting a revival through all the major music events and releases offers each copy in PDF format for a fraction of the price. The printed price is 3.95 an issue whereas the online PDF download is only 83p or you can get an annual membership for just 10 (38 printed)! Very smart indeed as this just bloat their subscribers! The great thing about this magazine is all the insider info on all the upcoming events several months in advance. The downside is that the layout is not the most professional and it is a little hard on the eyes as to where you should focus on. Nevertheless, you can try a 2 week trial subscription online to see if you like it. Get a subscription at
  3. BPM Magazine - By far the most successful North American DJ magazine, BPM has taken on whole new world offering their editions free to read online! And what's even better is that the intelligent interface of the magazine allows you to click on all the links to the web sites! Looking at the vast high quality advertising in this magazine it becomes quite apparent why it's online version is free. Probably the most stylish of all the magazines there is quite a lot of variety in the fashion and dj gear reviewed in BPM. If you still want a hard copy of this magazine the rate is only $20/yr for US Subscribers and $40 for Canadian subscribers. Get a subscription at
  4. URB Magazine - features a blend of hip hop and electronic music info with DJ culture, technology and studio gear reviews. For US subscribers only they have a $10/6 issue special going on right now or you can get an annual membership (10 issues) for $15 US, $40 for Canadians, and $70 for international orders. Get a subscription at

Great Resource for: House Music DJ's

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Latin And Mexican Wedding Customs And Traditions Such As 13 Arras Coins, Lazo And Money Dance

Marriage is the strongest bond the world has ever known. It is a pledge meant to last a lifetime.

A wedding ceremony occurs when a bride and a groom solemnly pledge themselves to one another for a lifetime, some say for eternity, in the presence of friends and family.

Celebrated today, as it has been throughout history, even to Biblical days, marriage and a wedding have been considered a sacred and solemn yet happiest event. Every culture considers a wedding, when the bride and groom enter their marriage as two individuals and becoming inextricably a part of each other, creating a new family, as the highest of all celebrations.

As the saying goes, Love makes the world go around.

Most cultures celebrate the love, devotion and commitment called wedding, with unique customs and traditions. Because the wedding is a wonderful and touching event, brides and grooms want both ceremony and reception to be personalized and unique to them. Thus, they look for meaningful experiences and often adopt customs and traditions of cultures other than their own.

The USA and recently to many other countries have become homes to people from all over the world. These people enrich the cultures with their Old Country customs, traditions and cuisine. It is not a surprise then, that many of the wedding traditions and wedding customs that are so beautiful, have been adopted by brides and grooms of all backgrounds who found them meaningful. In fact some traditions have become an integral pare of the modern wedding ceremony and reception.

If you are interested in the customs and traditions of a specific ethnic group click on it.

Latin and Mexican Customs and Traditions

Latin and Mexican wedding customs and traditions are very symbolic and many are being integrated into other than Mexican weddings. Brides and grooms asking to learn about Mexican and Latin wedding customs and traditions prompted the writing of this article. If you can add, please send us the me any information you have.

Who Pays for Wedding

Both families are involved in planning the wedding and help with all the expenses.
Sponsors of the wedding, such as parents, grandparents, godparents other relatives and friends as well as the bridesmaids and groomsmen, provide money for the wedding costs, or pay for something specific for the ceremony or the party which follows. In the Mexican tradition the wedding bridesmaids and groomsmen are paired and each pair is considered for a different role in the wedding ceremony.

One pair provide the bouquet for the bride. Another furnishes the Lazo which is a special symbolic rosary used to show the unification of the couple during the ceremony. Yet another pair brings the 13 silver or gold coins - Arras - in a special basket or box for the ceremony and if there are only 3 pairs, they also provide the kneeling pillows for the bride and groom to kneel upon during the wedding mass.

Wedding Invitations

In the Mexican tradition, the wedding invitations that are in usually in Spanish and English, list the parents of both the bride and groom as those inviting the guests to the wedding. All of the wedding attendants and contributors are listed on the wedding invitation and their special contributions noted. Information about the reception and dance are either printed on the invitation or included separately. The guests must remember to bring the entire invitation to gain admittance to the festivities.

Lazo - Lasso

A lazo (lasso), is a large rosary, a ribbon or a decorated cord that is symbolically draped around the necks or shoulders of the bride and the groom, groom first. It is placed in a horizontal figure eight (infinity) while they are kneeling at the altar, to affirm their union and their commitment to always be together side-by-side. The lazo is associated with a wedding prayer and takes place during the ceremony, after the bride and groom have exchanged their vows. Optionally, the lazo may be tied around their wrists.

The couple wears the lasso throughout the remainder of the service.

At the end of the ceremony, the lasso is removed and is given to the Bride as a keepsake.

Though not a Latin country, a wedding ceremony in New Zealand features the Infinity Loops (Lasso) placed around the necks of the bride and the groom, to symbolize their never-ending love.

Arras - Thirteen gold coins

The groom gives the bride thirteen gold coins blessed by the priest. The 13 coins represent the Christ and his 12 apostles. The Arras is given to the bride as a symbol of the unquestionable trust and confidence the groom has in her.

Most often, he presents them in an ornate box, a silver or gold jewelry box, or on a siver or gold gift tray.

Doing so, he also pledges to be a good provider and to support and care for his bride as she becomes his wife.

By accepting thes arras, the bride pronounces her unconditional trust and confidence in her groom.

These coins become a part of their family heirloom.

Wedding Music Dance and Celebration

Aztec love of music, dance and celebrations was incorporated into the festivities which follow the religious ceremony.

Money Dance

Originating from most European countries, the money dance has become so popular across all weddings that a special Purse - Money Bag is one of the items present with the wedding accessories collection. Called in the USA the dollar dance, is where male guests "pay" to dance with the bride. Various methods are used by different cultures. In some, the bride carries a Purse and the dancers place monetary bills in it, in others the dancers pin the bills on the wedding gown, yet in others, the maid of honor wears an apron and collects the money given by the guests to dance with the bride. In all traditions, the guests are expected to be generous when "paying" for a dance with the bride. since the money collected is to be used by the newly weds on their honeymoon and for setting a household.

The money dance is so widely accepted as an integral part of a wedding, that most guests anticipate that it will be included in the celebration providing a way for brides and grooms to generate cash without requesting or even suggesting money as wedding gifts.


Brides in many Latin-American countries wear a light blue slip beneath their dresses. Ties and cummerbunds of the groomsmen match the colors of the bridesmaids' dresses. The flower girls and ring bearer may be dressed as miniature versions of the bride and groom.

Wedding Colors

The bride chooses the wedding colors and they dominate. The wedding cake is decorated in her wedding colors. The cars used by, or for the attendants are also decorated with matching colored ribbon and paper flowers. The ceremony site and the pew bows are decorated with flowers and bows in the wedding colors as are the flowers or petals on the bridal path. The reception site also reflects use of the colors chosen by the bride .


Mexican wedding often feature a heart shaped piniata.

If you have information and or ideas to share with us, please send them to us

Copyrights 2008 All Rights Reserved Nily Glaser,
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  • Nily Glaser, the CEO of A-wedding Day at: She writes important articles, and has presented workshops for wedding professionals all over the USA.
    To read more of her articles CLICK HERE Her web site is very popular for its discount wedding gifts, bridal accessories, print your own invitations, favors and the very unique items offered including the exclusive line of wedding Accessories By Nily.

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    Unlimited music downloads are everywhere nowadays. There is always an old saying that money does not grow on trees to imply its severe shortage. Unlike money, music downloads can be found practically at thousands of websites. It can be pretty confusing for folks who never had any prior experience in downloading music from the internet when they are presented with so many choices. We are funny creatures. When we have only one choice for music downloads, we mumble about the lack of choice. But when we have too many, we grumble again. This article will provide useful educational details on some of the more popular sites that can offer almost unlimited music downloads to you. The list is not exhaustive as there are other similar websites.

    1. AOL Music Now

    This site is packed with close to 2 million songs and unlike many unlimited music downloads sites, you can download music directly without installing any software on your personal computer. By adding an extra $5 per month, you get to download unlimited music to your digital portable player.

    2. Napster

    The new revamped Napster gives you millions of songs, equivalent to unlimited music downloads. Before you can tap into their play list, you need to install their client application on your PC. The add-on feature To Go service provided allows you to download close to 90% of their songs to your MP3 player.

    3. Rhapsody

    One of the most established online digital music services around, this site is like a granddaddy in the online music arena. It is also one of the pioneer sites that coined the term unlimited music downloads when they decided to offer customers access to their entire play list. Recently, there is another option for you to download music directly onto your PC without any software installation. Customers can listen up to 25 free songs every month.

    There are many other download sites where you also can download music videos on top of sound tracks and songs. Some of them follow a pay per download model, while others offer a monthly subscription service. There is a third group that runs on lifetime memberships that allow you to download unlimited music for a flat rate. Discover more about where to find quality music at my blog and read up the latest news on sites that offer unlimited music downloads for prices affordable to all.

    Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Learn where you can have instant access to unlimited music downloads - all your favorite hits, latest music videos, MP3s and more at

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    Composing Music For Independent Films

    Starting your score can be very challenging, and will require a lot of concentration and patience. You must decide on the proper mood, tone, and which instruments you are going to use. Whether you're using classical instruments or programming the music on a computer, the sound of each instrument will adversely affect the tone of the piece.

    Plan ahead by watching as many of the scenes as you can (if not the whole film) and figure out how many different emotions you will have to convey with your music. The director or music supervisor should also help you when deciding this. With each different emotion or different scene, you may have to compose a whole new piece of music.

    Creating the Mood

    The most important thing to remember about composing a score for a film is that the music must be able to help provoke an emotional response from the viewers. Your music must coalesce with the footage to create a visual/aural masterpiece.

    There are thousands of films that wouldn't have been what they were without the music that they had. It's been said that Star Wars looked terrible and was almost laughable before the music of John Williams was added. A film composer must be able to compose music that not only fits well with the video, but also provokes the viewer to feel strong emotions without knowing why. Your music must become part of the movie, and move with each scene to allow the viewers to get absorbed.

    Tact and taste are very important here. Doing too much or too little is a very real possibility and is something that is very easy to fall into. Creating the perfect score is not an easy task, and not something that everyone can do.

    Creating a Theme

    Many composers employ themes into their music that are repeated throughout the film in various forms. Themes are what make music memorable, as they are repeated often and will stick in the mind of the viewers (listeners). Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Halloween are perfect examples of using a musical theme in a score. Watch any of those films and you will quickly recognize the theme in each composition.

    If you strike gold with a great piano riff, or an emotional melody, try to find different ways of using it throughout your composition. It can be a highly useful tactic, but be sure not to overuse your theme, for it can become tired and ruin the emotional impact. Hold off in some sections and try creating a new melody with the same notes, or something that sounds vaguely similar. Creativity is key.

    Using Effects

    Using sound effects in your music or using things that aren't usually used as instruments can make for a very unique piece of music. Using such things as household objects as percussion instruments or odd loops can really spice up your music.

    A great example of using sound effects in music is the Oscar winning film Atonement. Composer Dario Marianelli used the noise of a typewriter as a percussion instrument in his score and the result was breathtaking. Hearing the music in a movie theatre was a great experience.

    Completing Your Score

    If you take pride in your work and utilize great care while composing, you just might be able to create a great piece of music. If it fits well with the film, and provokes an emotional rush from viewers, you should celebrate and give yourself a pat on the back.

    Composing music is a task that isn't right for everyone, and composing music for film is another thing altogether. You must use tact, creativity, passion, and good judgment to compose a great piece of music, and you will have to put your heart and soul into what you are creating.

    Remember not to treat music as secondary to the visual aspect of the film. When done right, it can be just as important as the acting or the camera angles. Without great music there are no great films.

    For more advice, go to:

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    Learn Ballroom Dancing Like The Tango and Salsa From A Celebrity Dance Coach Dancing With The Stars

    Well, it's that time of the year again, ABC announced the line-up for another much anticipated season of Dancing With the Stars. How exciting!

    My wife and I would sit and watch with envy at all the great moves that the stars where doing. My wife said during the last season "if all the celebrities can dance like that, why can't we?". I had my doubts, considering neither one of us has ever had any kind of dance coaching...ever. In fact, looking back to some weddings and family gatherings we've attended where I have successfully embarrassed myself on the dance floor, I think it would be safe to say that I actually had two left feet.

    So I started doing some research on dance training. I looked at some ballroom dancing classes offered locally that were scheduled on days and times that just didn't fit our schedule. I also found several other dance lessons available on DVD, but all were way too pricey. Then I found this great 8 DVD set called Louis Let's Dance.

    Lo and behold it was Louis van Amstel, the choreographer my wife loves so much from Dancing with the Stars. I went ahead and bought it thinking we can do this. We could learn dance steps like the stars in the privacy of our own home, and man did we ever learn some dance steps!

    We can now dance the Cha Cha, Salsa, Waltz, Tango, Sumba, Jive, Rumba and the Foxtrot.

    I no longer have to be embarrassed by my moves, or should I say lack thereof. The moves really were as effortless to learn as the ads said they'd be. As a matter of fact, my two young daughters asked one night if they too could try some of the lessons after hearing their mom and I talk about it. Now The Jive and The Cha Cha are their favorite DVDs. They are 9 and 11 years old.

    Not only are we all having lots of fun, but we are also dancing our way to a healthier life too. I noticed shortly after starting the dance lessons that I could soon fasten my belt one notch tighter. My wife mentioned she's noticed a change in the way I look too. She says I now look trimmer and toner. I said the same about her, but of course she always looks wonderful.

    If you and your family would like to try this click here

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    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    Low-Budget Wedding Reception Ideas

    One of the largest expenses associated with your big day is the wedding reception, but there are ways to cut costs while still creating a fun and festive party for your family and friends.

    Now that you're engaged, you've got lots of planning to do. You've set the date and the budget (right?) and now you're finding that the wedding reception is going to take a big chunk out of your budget. Short of signing over your first born and selling your soul to the devil, how will you create a festive atmosphere, feed your guests and still stay within your budget? With a little creativity and the tips below, you can pull off a beautiful wedding reception that's very budget friendly.

    1. Location, Location, Location

      As the saying goes, location is everything. In this case, the location can save you a bundle. Instead of booking the ballroom of an exclusive hotel or other "must-have" location, look for something a little different and unique. You'll be surprised at how many locations are free or very low-cost. Look into gardens, vineyards, museums, church halls, hotel banquet rooms or even the home of a friend or family member. You may also be able to find restaurants in your area that specialize in affordable wedding receptions. When comparing prices, be sure to keep in mind that "free" locations require you to rent chairs, tables and more, so there is some cost involved. Sometimes it turns out to be more budget friendly to rent an inexpensive hall that provides those things for you.

    2. Limit Your Guest List

      It's tempting to invite your 50th cousin twice removed, and it's easy to give in and let family members invite people who said hello to you back in kindergarten, but for the sake of your budget, you must be firm with your guest list. Stick to inviting the people you are truly close to and you'll save hundreds on the cost of food and drink at your wedding reception.

    3. Let them Eat Cake

      Your wedding cake can average $5 per serving and up, easily taking a big bite out of your budget. You may want to consider ordering a small display cake, and also ordering a sheet cake to serve to your guests. It's much more cost effective, and your guests probably won't even think twice about it. And don't forget to ask around. Chances are, you or your fiance have an acquaintance who creates beautiful wedding cakes and charges next to nothing.

    4. Food

      Family members are usually more than happy to help prepare food for your reception. Many foods such as roast beef, ham and lasagna are easy to prepare ahead of time in large quantities. And if you're preparing the food yourself, buying in bulk (wholesale clubs, etc) saves you lots of money. Potlucks are also enjoying a degree of renewed popularity. Ask family members to provide some of the food, and then invite guests to bring a dish in lieu of a gift. Simply slip a note into the invitation altering guests of this option.

    5. To Drink or not to Drink

      Alcohol also raises the cost of your wedding reception. Consider having only limited drinks available. Of course, if you have a morning or early afternoon wedding, alcohol isn't usually necessary. And some venues don't allow alcohol at all, so this point wouldn't even be an issue . Be sure to check on this at the locations you're considering.

    6. Decorations

      With a little creativity (lights, candles, faux plants and trees), anyplace can be transformed into a beautiful reception location. Remember, your guests are there to celebrate with you, not critique the crystal chandeliers (or lack thereof). And there are scores of table decorations you can make yourself that are quite affordable. Don't be shy about family and friends to pitch in on making the decorations and decorating for the reception. Most times, they're more than happy to help.

    7. Music

      Save yourself $1000 or more by foregoing a live band. If you ask around, you probably have a family member, friend, or friend of a friend who does wedding DJ duties (or at least has a killer sound system) and would be willing to take charge of the music - usually for little or no cost. Your guests just want to dance and have fun, and it's not that important to them exactly where the music is coming from

    8. Something Borrowed...

      There are so many details to attend to when planning a wedding reception. Where does the punch bowl come from? What about the silverware? And the coffee pot? If the location does not provide these things for you, and you're not using a caterer, there's nothing wrong with renting these items or borrowing them from friends or family members. There's no need to invest in a punch bowl - unless you think you'll get more use out of it. Besides, you can always buy one down the road when you need it, but do it when you budget isn't so tight. All of these little incidentals really add up, so take advantage of other people's willingness to help.

    Don't let your wedding reception bury you under a mountain of debt. With a little resourcefulness and creativity, you can create a beautiful - and affordable - wedding reception filled with memories that will last a lifetime.

    Heather L. Clark is a Web researcher and writer. In her spare time, she enjoys pilates, music and Seinfeld reruns. Check out her favorite resources for planning a fairy tale wedding, free wedding planning tools and tips for affordable wedding receptions

    80s dance music

    Make Your Honeymoon Unforgettable - Ideas for Honeymoon

    Honeymoon is a very special occasion, and its proper planning can give you unforgettable moments in life.
    You can decide your honeymoon place with your partner. When both of you have similar interests, you are likely to choose a common place, and that will be great.

    You can choose a cruise for a perfect honeymoon. Now-a-days, most of the cruises provide honeymoon packages for newly wedded couples. A five-day journey on the cruise can be good enough.

    If you or your partner likes sports, you can head for some suitable place that is full of sport. Arizona will be a very good option in such a case. You can enjoy the day playing games with your partner. A romantic dinner at the end of the day will make the tour unforgettable.

    It is not necessary to choose a very expensive place for a honeymoon. All that matters is how creative you are, and how good you are at making moments quite romantic.

    Arranging a candle light dinner at the roof of your place or in your own room can do magic. You can play light music at night in your room, dance to the music with your partner, and initiate a romantic conversation with him or her. The main idea is to please your partner with your creativity, and make him or her feel special through your actions.

    All that matters in a honeymoon is how you make every moment beautiful. Instead of spending a lot of money on expensive tours, you can go to any beautiful and romantic place that suits your budget, and create unforgettable moments.

    Gift Ideas -- Know The Best Way To Give A Gift

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    12 Great Songs For Beginners - Female Voice

    If you are starting to learn to sing, but haven't found a teacher yet, you may find it hard to know which songs to try out on your own. People often start by picking something by their favourite singer, but all too often this means they are attempting a song that is way too hard for a beginner. For instance, stars like Mariah Carey or Leona Lewis are able to sing very high notes and complicated rhythms, so these may not be easy songs for beginners. That's why I have compiled a list of great songs for beginners.

    In my twenty years of teaching singing, I have found the following songs to be of huge benefit to the student when starting to learn to sing. The songs have been selected because they display the following characteristics:

    Memorable melody

    Not too high

    Good length of phrases

    No awkward leaps or intervals

    Straight forward rhythm

    In English

    Here's the list:

    1. Amazing Grace (traditional)
    2. Blue Moon (Richard Rodgers)
    3. Summertime (Gershwin)
    4. Autumn Leaves (Josef Kosma)
    5. Top of the World (The Carpenters)
    6. He's got the Whole world in His hands (spiritual)
    7. Oh when the Saints go marching in (trad)
    8. I don't know how to love him (from Jesus Christ Superstar)
    9. On my Own (from Les Miserables)
    10. My Bonnie lies over the Ocean (trad Scottish)
    11. Swing Low sweet Chariot (trad)
    12. You are my Sunshine (Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell)

    As you can see, quite a few of these songs are traditional songs. Generally speaking, traditional songs can be a good choice as they tend to be simple without a big range. So, once you have mastered some of the above list, you can easily find more traditional songs to try out, by searching on the internet or going to a music library.

    London-born Helen Astrid has a remarkable knowledge and talent for teaching people how to sing, from complete beginners with stage fright to professionals in the music industry. In her latest book, Singing Tips at your Finger Tips, she reveals cutting-edge techniques which will not only improve confidence, but will transform your voice. For more info and free tips and articles, visit her website at

    80's dance music

    Buy In Brazil, Experts Advise

    Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil)is becoming an increasingly popular destination for real estate and property investment amongst the British, according to an industry expert.

    Resort Group International, an impartial advice service for those wanting to buy, rent or resell property overseas, has said that investors in Brazil will get a good return on their investment (ROI).

    Lawrie Smith, accounts manager at Resort Group International, said: "Brazil is never likely to be as popular as France and Spain because of the geography, but as far as long-haul destinations go, it will probably be one of the most popular resorts."

    Mr Smith explained that Brazil is a similar distance from Europe as popular investment destinations, such as Florida and the Caribbean, but that property is significantly cheaper in South America.

    Brazil's economy is in good shape according to a report entitled 'Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2007', published by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

    The report states that Latin America and the Caribbean received a record figure of almost $106 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2007, due to regional economic growth and sustained global demand for natural resources.

    Brazil's GDP (PPP and Nominal) is the highest of Latin America with large and developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors, as well as a large labor pool. The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is regarded as one of the group of four emerging economies called BRIC.

    Independence Properties

    Expert property investment advice and free phone consultation. Contact us now!

    90s dance music

    The Enjoyable Office: Ten Summertime Joy Breaks

    Lily Tomlin once said, "For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." It can be challenging to do that, however, once you get into overdrive. Joy Breaks may be your answer. One to ten-minute Joy Breaks can renew you throughout the day. When you let yourself have a few moments of enjoyment, your mood liftsand your productivity and effectiveness can increase dramatically.

    Business guru Tom Peters maintains, "The number one premise of business is that it need not be dull. It ought to be fun. If it's not fun, you're wasting your life." Make sure you're not wasting that non-renewable resource known as time. Life is short. On your deathbed, you won't remember all the things you accomplished on your TO DO list; you'll mainly remember the precious moments of enjoyment.

    "Children have more energy after a hard day of play than they do after a good night's sleep," says Dr. R. F. Gumperson, a probability expert. Anything that is fun, playful, or that stimulates the creative mind is a good place to start. If you can learn to switch back and forth between work and play throughout the day, you may find you leave the office with a bounce in your step.

    Gain the support of those around you by letting them know what you need, and where possible, include them. Instead of reaching for another coffee or a chocolate bar, consider some of these healthy alternatives for uplifting your spirit, relaxing your mind, and energizing your body.

    1. Flowers

    Go outside with a pair of clippers. Clip a few flowers. Put them in a vase, and place them in your work area.

    2. Music

    Play Baroque music to open up your creativity and soothe your mind. I suggest Vivaldi's Four Seasons (especially Summer). Use a headset if you don't want to disturb others nearby.

    3. Mini-Golf

    Many people love golf in the Summer, but don't have the time to get to the course. Take a few golf clubs and golf balls to each department. Have each department create a golf-holeuse whatever you can find: paper cup, trash can, etc. When you need to go to another department for a meeting or to get some information, you simply "golf" your way there. You can keep track of your score. Those who get a hole-in-one get a special prize.

    4. Whoops Alert

    We all make mistakes at work. If you are afraid of making a mistake, you may stop taking risks. Humour can help create an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn. Go to a novelty store to purchase some kazoos. Assign three co-workers a Whoops Kazoo. In the event of a severe stress, frustration, aggravation, annoyance, or glitcha person may call out WHOOPS! -- at which point the Kazoo Committee sounds the Whoops Alert. The Whoops Alert should only last less than a minutethen back to work.

    5. Fun Scrapbook

    Take to work a blank scrapbook. Set up a place for it in the staff room or waiting area. Provide glue, scissors, and tape. As a Joy Break, any employee can take a few minutes to add something to the Fun Scrapbooka cartoon, favourite email joke, photos from a staff event, humorous ideas for dealing with challenging work situations, best "mistake" story, etc.

    6. Tropical Retreat

    Take a reclining lawn chair and sun umbrella to work. Put them up on the roof or in a sunny area near the office. Leave a pair of sunglasses and a travel magazine on the chair. Offer co-workers a fruit punch in a glass garnished with a little umbrella. Send on ten-minute tropical breaks with their refreshing punch. Rotate co-workers throughout the day.

    7. Gratitude Walk

    Go for a ten-minute walk. Observe five things you are grateful for or appreciate. They could be cloud formations, sunshine, the sound of children playing, the comfortable shoes you are wearing, etc.

    8. Street Dance

    Take a portable stereo out to the parking lot; invite everyone from the office to partake in a ten-minute dance break. Put on the Greatest Hits of the '70's, or swing music.

    9. Vacation Planning

    As we head into summer, you can take ten-minute breaks to plan your time off. Peruse travel books, make hotel reservations, write a note to relatives telling how you'd like to spend time with them, etc.

    10. Popsicles

    Take a popsicle mold to the office. Pour in your favourite juice. Put the pops in the freezer and during the mid-afternoon slump offer homemade popsicles to everyone in the office.

    Use some of these activities, or make up your own. Create a list of ten things you can go do when your energy slumps, and put that list in a place where you will see it. Every time you do a Joy Break, check that activity off the list. Some people go so far as to give themselves a gold star. Positive reinforcement can help make joy a regular occurrence, and help you kick the worry habit. In the words of Oscar Wilde, "Life is too important to be taken seriously."

    May the FUN be with you!

    Carla Rieger is an expert on creative people skills at work. If you want a motivational speaker, trainer, or leadership coach to help you stay on the creative edge, contact Carla Rieger.

    Web site:
    Tel: 1-866-294-2988

    latin cds

    Samba in New Zealand


    Samba originated in Brazil, with the music containing a combination of Iberian, Native and African influences. The modern day Samba as we know it was developed from a Brazilian style called Choro. Samba is a big part of the world famous carnival parade, and nicely compliments the Bateria.


    Samba has a lot of variations, but most variations have one thing in common: A heavy percussion presence. Samba Music is played in 2/4. The common modern day Samba has the Pandeiro as the most common percussion instrument. The Violo is the other instrument which is always present. The music can vary across all themes, and is not specific to any them or emotion.


    Samba's most common dance variation is "Samba no p" which is a solo dance. Men dance with their whole feet on the ground, whereas women usually dance using the balls of their feet. The rythm is played in 2/4 and the stepping is called as "and-a-one and-a-two". The knees are used a lot in Samba, with one knee bending at a time with the upper body straight.

    Latinos NZ Popularity Scale: 5/10

    Samba is slowly becoming more popular in New Zealand, although Latin Clubs tend to stick to other forms of Latin Music. However, some clubs now have Samba Nights with Samba and other Brazilian rythms and dance.

    New Zealand's biggest Samba event is Jambalaya. Don't miss it next time!

    Article taken from (

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    The Beatles are the Most Creative Band of All Time

    BACKGROUND HISTORY: The first musical bands originated in New Orleans among black musicians who have traditionally been the innovators. The first jazz record ever recorded was by The Original Dixieland Jazz Band in 1917, and of course they were white because racism always rears its ugly head to hold black people back. But during the Roaring 20's, young white people couldn't resist the dance beat laid down by the black jazz bands. Fletcher Henderson, a black man, became the first band leader to achieve national fame possibly because he featured Louis Armstrong on trumpet. Duke Ellington, a classicly trained musician, brought a level of style and sophistication to jazz that hadn't been seen before. But it wasn't until 1935 that jazz bands with a "swing beat" achieved national attention due to Benny Goodman who I think was the best clarinet player ever to blow air into that instrument. Benny also had the good sense and taste to bring the first great drummer, Gene Krupa, into his band.

    When rock and roll exploded into human consciousness during the early 1950's, black musicians like Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, and Smokey Robinson pioneered the way, but a white DJ named Alan Freed is believed to have coined the term "rock and roll". The first real rock and roll record was "Shake, Rattle and Roll", written by Jesse Stone who was black and recorded by Big Joe Turner who was also black but it wasn't a hit. The first big hit rock and roll record was "Rock Around the Clock" written by James Meyers and Max Freeman of obvious ancestry, and that one catapulted Bill Haley and his Caucasian Comets to stardom. During the 1950's and early 60's, there were countless "do wop" groups, rock groups, singers and songwriters but until The Beatles hit the charts, there had been very few bands which contained talented songwriters. The vast majority of jazz and rock bands recorded songs written by songwriters who were not performers, with occasional exceptions like Duke Ellington and Buddy Holly. As time goes on, it's increasingly clear that Lennon/McCartney songs are brilliant classics which will never be forgotten. Now here's why The Beatles are the most creative band of all time:


    As I sit here writing this at the keyboard of my computer facing the unique and colorful Beatles poster in my bedroom, I'm aware that I have been directly and indirectly inspired by John Lennon's music as well as by the way he lived his life offstage. Squarely in front of me is a full color poster of all four Beatles standing in a heavenly-like flower garden at about the time of the Abbey Road album. Paul is angelic in his pink suit with a white laced shirt. John is enigmatic peering out from the background. George is charismatic staring directly into the camera from the lower right. Ringo is on the left with a stylish blue suit and his pink ruffled shirt. I always wished I could dress like those guys but obviously there's a bit of a problem with a money differential there. Surrounding this gorgeous poster which I have never seen elsewhere are my 45 speed original Beatles hit records, including I Want to Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Please Please Me, Twist and Shout, Can't Buy Me Love, She's A Woman, Yesterday, and of course, Hey Jude. And surrounding all that is a chain of 1-1/2" long orange flicker flame lights which are the most beautiful and unique Christmas lights I've ever seen. I chose to decorate the wall directly in front of my work station this way because, as I've written elsewhere on this site several times, the Beatles were my major musical influence and having them on the wall in front of me inspires me to write web pages like this one. I was also among the millions of people who were inspired by how The Beatles were actually living their off stage lives. The Beatles' music creatively stimulated millions of people to change the way they were living, and The Beatles behavior encouraged people to have fun by trying new life style experiences. That's what I call a perfect example of FORM = CONTENT. In this case it means that the creatively and masterfully varied music The Beatles were producing (form) embodied the real life styles which each of the four Beatles were living (content), together as a band as well as separately as unique individuals.


    This should be self-evident, but just because Paul McCartney has the title of the most popular songwriter in history doesn't necessarily make him the best songwriter in history. The qualities which do make both Paul and John the best songwriters in history go beyond writing the greatest number of catchy classic songs. "Catchy" means that their melodies and lyrics are instantly memorable. "Classic" means that they stand the test of time. But both Paul and John wrote very sophisticated melodies that moved beyond the simple groups of 2, 4 and 8 patterned phrases used by almost all other songwriters. John and Paul's melodies soared, floated, cascaded, dived and peaked with true dynamics, naturally following the syllabic lyric patterns - but not always. Sometimes the melodic and lyric patterns were independent of each other, almost counterpoint in nature, and as a songwriter, they never ceased to astonish me with their brilliance and originality. In the beginning, their lyrics were simple and their songs were simple love songs. But they soon began exploring new territory by writing about subjects that hadn't been covered before. Inspired by Bob Dylan, they wrote true poetry with feeling and depth, using evocative and unusual words. Rubber Soul marked the beginning of their evolution as mature songwriters, Revolver was a break-out album, and Sergeant Pepper was an historic landmark album in terms of new and innovative songwriting as well as production. Every song they wrote was significantly different from the last one even though each song had their unmistakable sound.

    Most songwriters are only average players on their instruments, but John and Paul are both sophisticated guitarists who were able to integrate their playing into their songs and even into their song structure so that the "licks" they played became as catchy a part of their songs as the choruses and verses. Blackbird and Dear Prudence are only two examples of songs which couldn't possibly be written by any other songwriter because of the guitar playing which forms an integral part of the song structure. In similar fashion, Lady Madonna is the best example of a great song which derives from the unique and beautiful bass part which only Paul could possibly have created.

    Average songwriters achieve the catchy quality by repeating a phrase endlessly or by beating a chorus to death. John and Paul found countless ways to be memorable without ever overly repeating something. The only time they repeated something over and over again for a long time was in Hey Jude, and what they chose to repeat is so gorgeous that one can only wish they had never ended the song. The Beatles were my biggest musical influence and I used to think, "If I could write just one song that's as good as John and Paul's worst song, I'd be happy." People tell me I accomplished that goal and they say one good example is John is Alive, which is my sincere tribute to Sir Lennon.


    Even Ringo could sing when he got a little help from his friends who lived in the yellow submarine. But to say that Paul and John are two of the best singers in rock and roll is to state the obvious. Combining John, Paul and George created the best harmony vocals the world has ever experienced. Even their two part harmonies were unusual, catching us all by surprise on their first hit record with the fast harmony melisma in the chorus of I Want to Hold Your Hand. John had a knack of placing a unique low harmony line underneath Paul's high melody line so as to form a second melody which created unusual harmony effects. He did that right from the beginning in the verses of She Loves You. Both Paul and John could blast out screaming rock and roll (i.e. Long Tall Sally and Twist and Shout), and both could break our hearts with touching, deep feeling ballads (i.e. Yesterday and Julia). There seems to be no end to their emotional vocal range, and John even explored the heights of vocal psychedelia in songs like She Said (Revolver) and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.


    Paul brought a new style of melodic playing to the bass guitar, reaching a new high of creativity on Sergeant Pepper with a level of sophistication never heard before. Many other musicians besides me recognize Paul as being one of the best bass guitar players ever. George is underrated as a lead guitarist by people with average or below average musical knowledge or ability, but most guitarists (including Eric Clapton) know better. George's strength is in melody, pure and simple. It would be difficult to find a George Harrison lead which is not melodic, and each of his leads has a strong beginning, a stronger middle and a well defined ending. In fact, that's Eric's definition of what makes a good guitar lead. George continually developed new guitar sounds for each Beatles song. John and Paul are also excellent guitarists and both recorded great leads as well as innovative rhythm tracks. All three of the Beatles guitarists may lack showy technical fireworks but they make that definition of guitar mastery irrelevant by overwhelming the senses with creativity, style, and pure melody. The exact same thing can be said about John and Paul's keyboard playing. Ringo may be underrated as a drummer by the public but he is not underrated by other professional drummers. Ringo mastered the art of drum sounds. No drummer has ever recorded so many different sounds on so many different sounding records. Ringo invented a new style of slow drum playing, epitomized on A Day in the Life and Strawberry Fields Forever. John said many times, "Ringo has the best back beat in the business" and the successful studio drummers understand why John was correct.


    A good definition of charisma needs to include "an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion" and "a personal attractiveness which enables a person to influence others". No musical group prior to or after The Beatles features true charisma emanating strongly from the entire group as well as separately from each member. The Beatles stunned the world with their photogenic quality, their charm, their bubbling and lovable personalities, their cuteness and their unique style. Even before The Beatles achieved fame, people in Liverpool were imitating their haircuts, the way they dressed, the way they behaved, and the way they lived. Such a simple subliminal message about smoking marijuana got communicated to all the hippies who were waiting to happen without actual words ever being spoken. The Beatles had a lot to lose by being explicit on that subject, but they successfully avoided trouble by keeping it very subtle while at the same time clear enough so that we all got it. The Fab Four kept changing their styles rapidly, almost with each album cover, and soon the message became one of explicit spiritualism. After visiting India, The Beatles introduced eastern mysticism and meditation to the Western world for the first time through the mass media. John's long saga with internal angst, drugs, spiritualism, politics, personal battles, and ultimately his marriage to Yoko played out like a movie the whole world got to watch in fascination. Paul's happy life with Linda, George's great focus on meditation, and Ringo's equanimity throughout were all perfect examples of the power, the truth, and the effectiveness of true charisma.


    Need I say it? Ask the millions of girls who were screaming and fainting at the very sight of them. "The Boys" didn't move like Elvis or dance like Mick, they just stood there shaking their "mop top" heads around, smiling, laughing, and looking gorgeous as they performed great music and that was it. On their first visit to America, some enterprising weirdo from New York City managed to cut up the hotel bed sheets The Beatles had slept on into 1" square pieces, and these things were actually sold to girls over the public airwaves by adult DJ's on the AM radio stations who should have known better. The Beatles phenomenon went way beyond the rock and roll sex star status that had been seen before. Teenage girls in uncountable numbers fell in love, their hearts to be trapped, their heart strings to be continually plucked, and ultimately, their hearts to be broken by the unobtainable object of their love. Worshiping a star from afar? Infatuation? Obsession? Not real love? For many of them, it was their first experience feeling love for a man/boy. Whatever it was, it was very real to all of them, and we all soon understood that The Beatles were The Real Thing.

    That's why I call The Beatles the Most Creative Band of All Time. They were The Real Thing. The Creative Zenith. The high point on the bell curve of musical history.

    Peter Cross is a singer/songwriter/producer/Web Master. You can find this article at: The Beatles are the Most Creative Band of All Time and his home page at: Rock and Roll with an Immortal Soul. The "best of Peter Cross CD is A Hard Day at The Orifice. All work protected by Library of Congress Registration No. TXu1-257-177.

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