Saturday, August 30, 2008

What You Should Know About Free Movie Downloads

With all of the entertainment download sites out there that offer FREE movies, music, games etc., those tempting offers of free downloading and sharing have you wondering which site is the best, but first and foremost one should use caution in choosing, since many of these Peer to Peer sites are free but also illegal and dangerous to the health of your computer.

Wondering Why? I'll explain below. So please read on!

Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks are basically computers on the same network with certain software sharing files for free. The problem with this, although tempting concept, is that you may also be sharing Malware, Viruses, Spyware that can damage your computer, not to mention you can get into some big trouble downloading copyrighted material.

If you do frequent p2p sites for downloading your movies and music and whatever else, anti-virus software should help in holding off any worms or viruses but with no guarantee. You would still be risking your computer to infection and or damage. You would also be adding to some real disturbance in the entertainment business with big fines and big court costs for illegal distribution of copyrighted material, sometimes known as Bootlegging.

There are alternatives that are safe and legal.... membership sites offer this alternative, no worries for just a low one time fee. A good membership site also will not charge you a pay per download fee or even monthly fee just a one time fee with unlimited downloads. Yet there are many to choose from also. Just please do your research and learn as much as you can about the website you are considering and the software they are using for file sharing, this is crucial. We have done some research for you and reviewed a number of sites that are a few of the best out there, but most of all, Legal and worries.

In your quest finding something that is right for you there are some other considerations that come to mind. Download speed, even from the best site is mostly dependent on your internet connection, Dialup vs. DSL vs. Highspeed Cable and on it goes. But with a good download accelerator software program most connections should work fine. Another tip would be your hard drive space, meaning the room needed to store all your favorite movies, music, and whatever else. That can be cured by burning copies onto the media of your choice CD, DVD, External HD and deleting the original off the drive or install a hard drive with more space.

If your still reading, I just want to say thanks for your time and sticking with me this far and hopefully this article was of some help to you.

Sincerely J. D.

J. D. is an avid movie fan and collects movies of all genre's. He is also a successful business manager and author of Movie Download Website Review. To read his Reviews on the best membership movie sites and more, please visit:

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