Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dips, Lifts, and Solos to Spice up Your Salsa

Dips, Lifts, and Solos to Spice up Your Salsa

Featuring: Lisa Perez and Dave Morgan

Directed by Lee Soto Edited by Dave Morgan Distributed by Barrio Records
Customer Review: Weeeeeeell.....
The dips and lifts part is good. There isn't much instruction for the woman on this video other than curl your arm, keep clean lines, and other few things pointed out. I guess if you have a good leader and you are a good follower you wouldn't need much. I was disappointed with the solo part. I was expecting more instruction but she just does her thing and i guess you are supposed to learn by watching. I really would have preferred a breakdown. They did include a breakdown in the lifts that follow the solo. Overall, its pretty good, especially for the men or anyone leading, but found a little lacking on the woman's part.
Customer Review: Good selection
I would recommend this tape to anyone out there. The moves are excellant and well presented. If anything the lighting could have been better and there was too much space on the set such that the people seem to be too far back and you can't see their facial details. These are minor details however in the dance scheme of things. Good work overall.

Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you agitated and don't have a clue why? You could be experiencing energy overload! Read on to learn how to harness valuable energy for clear thinking, a loving heart, and greater awareness.

A reader asked me,

"How do we cope with the stress of the higher vibrational levels coming into our bodies and onto the planet at an unimaginably fast pace right now?"

The higher intensity energy has been on my mind quite a bit. I see it's effects world-wide in the daily news. Learning how to harness this energy safely is an important task for us all. I will share with you what I have learned.

Symptoms of Energy Overload

  • You feel irritated or angry and don't have a clue why
  • You are spaced out and can't focus or remember what you are supposed to be doing
  • You feel tired and can't think
  • You get headaches and stomach aches
  • You feel disconnected from yourself
  • You blame others for your uncomfortable feelings
  • You last out at others with a lack of self-control
Actions you can take to harness the energy and benefit from it

You must Exercise. The energy naturally travels through the nervous system. When it is too intense for the nervous system, we feel freaked out, angry, and agitated. Exercise draws the energy out into the muscles where it is more beneficial to the body. Pilate's, yoga, weight lifting, swimming, cardio are all good, but strength training like weight lifting is the most effective way to draw the energy out into your muscles. If you are not doing a form of weight lifting, consider adding it to your exercise program.

Movement is essential! Prayer walking is a most beneficial way to move the energy through your body productively. Walk at a vigorous pace while praying for yourself and others. Also use this time to pray about important topics and then listen to gain understanding.

Dance. Put on some music that just makes you want to move! Could be any style from slow or sensuous to heavy metal and jumping around, or anything in between. Let the energy dance your body. Let go of concerns of life and want to be taken over by the love of the Lord. Dancing in prayer and intention gets the energy into every cell of your body and fragment of your being to help you function clearly and effectively. Following a dance session, sit in silence and listen for inner guidance. It will be clearest after this kind of connection with yourself and God.

Eat red meat. It is difficult to sustain health without eating red meat with the influx of this intense energy. I find I must a eat large amount of red meat to stay present and functional in my body. Of course, you must consider your unique body needs.

The reader who asked the question suggests a short 10 - 20 minute time out to either rest, meditate, practice deep breathing, or nap.

Benefits of harnessing the energy

  • You feel balanced, calm, and present
  • Your mind is clear and you feel highly functional
  • Your body feels stronger and more capable
  • It is easier to connect with the truest part of your being
  • Your awareness is enhanced
  • You feel energized and alive
  • Being present within yourself results in greater self-responsibility
  • Your heart is available for LOVE!
  • You care greatly about the wellbeing of others
  • You want to connect with others
  • You have no time for non-sense

Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D. is the best-selling author of 2 powerful books for spritual transformation, "Angel Blessings", "Your Guardian Angel", and "Angel Love". Kimberly carries the essnece of God and the angels and shares this essence by connecting others with the aspects of God's love they most need during workshops and private healing sessions. Kimberly's life is devoted to helping other have experiences of the personal presence of God and the healing power of his His love.

Visit to learn more. Receive a free 2-chapter excerpt from "Your Guardian Angel" by subscribing to Your Guiding Angels eNewsletter.

dance music 2007

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